- Nutrition Education
Our trained nutritionists provide counseling on healthy food choices that support overall health. We offer one-on-one sessions, group discussions, and virtual prenatal and breastfeeding support groups.
- Supplemental Foods
Participants receive food benefits via EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer), which can be redeemed at thousands of participating grocery stores, supermarkets, and pharmacies across New York State.
- Breastfeeding Support
We provide personalized breastfeeding support through peer counselors, certified lactation counselors, and IBCLCs (Internationally Board-Certified Lactation Consultants).
We also offer a comprehensive Breast Pump Program for participants.
- Healthy Lifestyle Promotion
Our “Fit WIC” initiative encourages physical activity and promotes healthy lifestyle choices. Whether in-person or virtually, we offer guidance on food safety, smart shopping, nutritious cooking techniques, and strategies to reduce obesity in our community.
- For more information or to apply for WIC services, please contact Jamaica Hospital’s WIC program or visit our website. We’re here to support you and your family’s health!